Tuesday 30 March 2010

Double Page Spread

This is my double page spread.
I chose to make a new girl band the topic so that I would be able to do an interview and do a photo shoot of them in order to have one big picture in the middle of the page and then different photos around the page in order to show that the band can have fun, so that they can relate to the target audience.
The colours that I chose relate to younger girls and the font I chose for the title is swirly in order to make the article more fun and for people to relate to it.

Contents Page

This is the contents page for my magazine.
I have chosen to make it mostly plain with borders around the pictures in order to make them stand out against the background.
I have chosen to use pictures of 'celebrities' in order to show the target audience what is inside the magazine.
The font that I have used for the contents of the magazine is quite formal and looks like someone has hand written it, this relates to the target audience.
The title 'Contents' has the 'boom box' logo in order to show that it is part of the same magazine.

Front Cover

This is the latest version of the front cover of my music magazine.
I have chosen a bright colour for the background to make the picture stand out and be more appealing to a younger audience.
There are also a lot of different celebrities on the front page to provide for what most of the younger audience like to read about.
The main picture is of someone who is the same age as the target audience in order to make the magazine more appealing.
The title has a picture of a 'boom box' to add more affect to the title and make it more effective.

Friday 26 March 2010

Tuesday 12 January 2010


In my media magazine, my product uses the idea of photographs of celebrities to draw the attention to the magazine, which a real media product would do. I also used bright colours and to make my magazine more appealing to my target audience. It represents the social group that would follow it by having pictures of a person of the same age group in order to relate more to the group and to be more of an icon to that specific group.
My media product presents particular social groups in a fun, exciting way to make them more likeable for the younger target audience. It was important to do this so the younger audience do not get bored by the interviews and find the magazine more exciting.
The type of media institution that might distribute my magazine would be places like Top of The Pops and Smash hits, this is because they already have magazines like this and that is the type of audience I would like my magazine to appeal to. Also it could be distributed by having a subscription to it or there could be a a website where people could look at any particular articles or do interactive games that relate to the magazine.
I attracted my audience by having a large picture of a celebrity that is the same age as the target audince itself. This was in order to show the audience that they could be in that position. I also sued bright colours in order to gain attention and make the pictures on the front cover stand out against the background.
I have learnt that technology needed to produce this magazine takes a lot of time and patience to produce the final product that you want. This is because editing the photographs takes a lot of time to find the right sizes and positioning onscreen. Also finding phtographs that fit well into the theme of the magazine is a hard job as you have to make sure that all blend well together. Also thinking of themes and styles for the magazine was fairly hard as I had to make sure that it related to the target audience and that they would actually want to buy it. There are also a lot of things that I never knew how to use before, such as photshop so I had to learn how to use that and edit my magazine on it so by creating the magazine I have had a lot of personal gain from using the programme.
When I started the first task of the school magazine, I think that I have gained a lot more knowledge on how to produce and create the magazine itself. As now I know how much time is invested in editing each picture so that the celebrity looks well presented, I know how each colour is well thought out to mix together and not look like a mess, also the finding a style for the magazine as you have to make sure that you are not copying other magazines out there so that the magazine has its own unique style. I have also learnt a lot about what needs to be included to make the magazine more appealing to the target audience and what is expected to make the magazine a good quality. Such as creating questionnaires for the target audience to find out what they would like to be included and then summarising their results so that it is easier to know what to include. I have also learnt about time management as it takes a long time to create the magazine because editing takes a long time and using the programme takes a long time as there are a lot of different functions that can be included within it. The final product was also different because there is a double page spread which you don't originally have to do for the preliminary task, this therefore gives you more research to do in order to find out what sort of things other magazines include to make it more appealing to an audience.

Monday 11 January 2010

Photo Shoots

Reader Profile

This is my reader profile, it has pictures of the current celebrities that most of the target audience would be interested in. It also includes images of the types of things the target audience could be interested in and that would be included in the magazine, this includes make up and handbags etc.