Tuesday 24 November 2009

Analysis of Double Page Spread

Radio times 21-27 November 2009-11-24

· The double page spread that I have chosen to analyse is from a magazine called radio times, which is a magazine that has music and television based articles.
· This double page spread in particular is about a woman who is singing old war time classics to servicemen in the country.
· The producer’s intent on this page is to gain the reader’s attention by using pictures to take up half of the double page and the majority of the second page. It is trying to inform readers on what this specific musician is doing at the moment, which is motivating servicemen across the country in the same method that was used during previous wars.
· The spread is also trying to educate people by telling them what songs the musician is doing so that they can relate to that article and be more interested in what sort of music was being listened to at that time in war.
· The target audience for this magazine would be an older generation, as the magazine focuses more on what to watch and listen to on the television and radio, rather than focus on current celebrities and gossip.
· The headline is obvious to what it refers to as it says ‘Big Voice’ which as it is a music magazine readers can assume that it is about someone’s singing voice.
· The main article is just describing to readers what this musician is doing across the country and has small pictures at the bottom of singers from the time it is describing, and then on the other page is a full page picture of the woman who is singing those songs now.