Tuesday 30 March 2010

Double Page Spread

This is my double page spread.
I chose to make a new girl band the topic so that I would be able to do an interview and do a photo shoot of them in order to have one big picture in the middle of the page and then different photos around the page in order to show that the band can have fun, so that they can relate to the target audience.
The colours that I chose relate to younger girls and the font I chose for the title is swirly in order to make the article more fun and for people to relate to it.

Contents Page

This is the contents page for my magazine.
I have chosen to make it mostly plain with borders around the pictures in order to make them stand out against the background.
I have chosen to use pictures of 'celebrities' in order to show the target audience what is inside the magazine.
The font that I have used for the contents of the magazine is quite formal and looks like someone has hand written it, this relates to the target audience.
The title 'Contents' has the 'boom box' logo in order to show that it is part of the same magazine.

Front Cover

This is the latest version of the front cover of my music magazine.
I have chosen a bright colour for the background to make the picture stand out and be more appealing to a younger audience.
There are also a lot of different celebrities on the front page to provide for what most of the younger audience like to read about.
The main picture is of someone who is the same age as the target audience in order to make the magazine more appealing.
The title has a picture of a 'boom box' to add more affect to the title and make it more effective.

Friday 26 March 2010